Kathy Zamechansky was part of the Blumenfeld Development Corporation team that was selected to develop a city-owned parcel on 125th Street between Lexington and Third Avenues in Manhattan.
- Worked with the developer to obtain approvals for the 90,000 square foot, mixed use retail center on the site
- Arranged meetings, negotiated community needs and worked with Community Board 11, local community leaders, local elected officials and the Office of the Borough President to ensure that local interests and concerns were met
- Brokered a lease for 33,000 square feet with the New York Department of Motor Vehicles for the third floor of the building, which became the first tenant in the development
- KZA’s on site staff worked with the community to recruit local labor, process drop-in applicants and find local suppliers for the construction phase
- Worked with the Office of the Borough President to hold a job fair for local construction companies
- Collaborated with a community job-training program to place local residents in retail positions and were successful in filling most of the permanent jobs with community residents
- Coordinated the ground breaking and ribbon cutting ceremonies and event